I am a fine art photographer, born in Caen in 1963. I shoot mostly in black and white and have exhibited my work for several years, either individually or in group exhibitions.
In the quiet atmosphere of a darkroom, I took my first steps in the world of photography. I have ever since favoured this technique in my work and consider it an essential part of the creative process.
My passion became my job in 2003, when I left the world of industry and design to become a professional photographer.
In 2010, I opened the studio “Le Temps Suspendu” in Bayeux. The following year, fascinated by the wet collodion process, I started to offer my customers the use of this ancestral technique when taking their portraits.
Finally, in 2013, I turned my knowledge and background to good account by launching a range of pinhole cameras and accessories for alternative photography.
Since then, Lerouge pinhole and wet plate cameras have attracted hundreds of photographers around the world.
Philippe Leclerc